New York City Bound!

Start spreading the news……

I’m leaving today……

Ok, I’m not really going anywhere today, but today is the day that the New York City marathon announced who won the lottery and therefore gets to run the race. I won!!! I can hardly believe it. It’s a little bittersweet because I have so many friends who entered the lottery and didn’t get in. I wish we could all be heading to New York together. Especially sad is that Fast Friend didn’t get in. I would have SO loved to train for New York with her and to run it together!

But, I’m also starting to visualize myself running down various streets in New York. I love New York! I’ve loved the city since the first time I ever visited when I was in high school. I love the smell of it, the pretzel stands, the subway, Central Park, the big buildings, the whole thing. It’s always felt like some kind of weird life error that I haven’t ever lived there. But now I’m going to run a marathon there!

I’m really beyond excited but also a little teeny bit worried. This is a MUCH bigger race than I’ve ever run before. We have done the Manchester Road Race the past several years and Manchester is a zoo with “only” 15,000 runners. But we know where to park, the Incredibly Awesome Mervus knows where to hang out with the children and ultimately it’s only a 4. 7 mile race so it just doesn’t last that long. New York is logistical insanity: over 50,000 runners, 3:30am wake-up call, buses to Staten Island, getting to the start hours before the race begins. Yikes. There is a reason I don’t usually do these crazy big races. Tiny Dynamo loves this stuff, but I get a little freaked out.

I honestly don’t remember if I entered the lottery for New York last year. I know I thought about it. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to run a marathon at all yet and I was pretty darn sure I wasn’t ready to run New York. Hartford was plenty crazy enough. And yet. Wow. New York City Marathon. When I told the Mistress of Martinis and Mischief she said “It’s like I know a famous runner now!” At least someone who is going to run a famous race!

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2 Responses to New York City Bound!

  1. Chris Matthews says:

    Looks great! Will mike d be there with bagels for you?

  2. Ok, first, Yay you! I am so excited that you are going to run the NYC Marathon. This race just looks awesome and for someone like you, who loves the city so much, it is going to be an amazing day! I am really looking forward to following you from here to the finish line!

    Second, the blog looks great! I love that picture of you. If possible, I would make “random musings of a Profession Badass” just a little bigger. I didn’t see it the first time I looked at the blog. It’s an awesome name and you don’t want people to miss it.

    Great job my friend. I know this blog will be very successful!

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